What's new and incompatible in origin/ta/new-hooks
2015-01-30 14:00:28 UTC

I was able to successfully build the new-hooks branch.

I can start off a new server using

*tmux -Ltemp -f/home/$USER/.tmux-2.0.conf*

I had to comment out the lines tweaking these variables in my default

- window-status-content-style
- monitor-content
- visual-content

Before that the server got killed by itself.

What are the new things I can try in this new-hooks version (apart from of
course the new-hooks implementation you explained in your last email)?

What other things are incompatible? Or did new variable names replace the


Kaushal Modi
2015-01-30 14:04:19 UTC
I forgot to mention that when I started the new tmux server using *tmux
-Ltemp -f/home/$USER/.tmux-2.0.conf* , it printed the "can't establish
current session" message twice.
Is that expected?

Kaushal Modi
Post by Kaushal
I was able to successfully build the new-hooks branch.
I can start off a new server using
*tmux -Ltemp -f/home/$USER/.tmux-2.0.conf*
I had to comment out the lines tweaking these variables in my default
- window-status-content-style
- monitor-content
- visual-content
Before that the server got killed by itself.
What are the new things I can try in this new-hooks version (apart from of
course the new-hooks implementation you explained in your last email)?
What other things are incompatible? Or did new variable names replace the
Kaushal Modi
Thomas Adam
2015-01-30 14:24:14 UTC

Yes it is. Nicholas and I are working on this, so I'd hold off for now.

Thomas Adam
Post by Kaushal
I forgot to mention that when I started the new tmux server using *tmux
-Ltemp -f/home/$USER/.tmux-2.0.conf* , it printed the "can't establish
current session" message twice.
Is that expected?
Kaushal Modi
Post by Kaushal
I was able to successfully build the new-hooks branch.
I can start off a new server using
*tmux -Ltemp -f/home/$USER/.tmux-2.0.conf*
I had to comment out the lines tweaking these variables in my default
- window-status-content-style
- monitor-content
- visual-content
Before that the server got killed by itself.
What are the new things I can try in this new-hooks version (apart from
of course the new-hooks implementation you explained in your last email)?
What other things are incompatible? Or did new variable names replace the
Kaushal Modi
Dive into the World of Parallel Programming. The Go Parallel Website,
sponsored by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is
hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly thought
leadership blogs to news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a
look and join the conversation now. http://goparallel.sourceforge.net/
tmux-users mailing list
2015-01-30 14:34:49 UTC

Also I get [lost server] every time I do *source-file ~/.tmux-2.0.conf*
from the tmux command-prompt.
It is the same file I passed to the -f argument when starting the tmux
server. But it seems the source-file command doesn't work.

Kaushal Modi
Post by Thomas Adam
Yes it is. Nicholas and I are working on this, so I'd hold off for now.
Thomas Adam
Post by Kaushal
I forgot to mention that when I started the new tmux server using *tmux
-Ltemp -f/home/$USER/.tmux-2.0.conf* , it printed the "can't establish
current session" message twice.
Is that expected?
Kaushal Modi
Post by Kaushal
I was able to successfully build the new-hooks branch.
I can start off a new server using
*tmux -Ltemp -f/home/$USER/.tmux-2.0.conf*
I had to comment out the lines tweaking these variables in my default
- window-status-content-style
- monitor-content
- visual-content
Before that the server got killed by itself.
What are the new things I can try in this new-hooks version (apart from
of course the new-hooks implementation you explained in your last email)?
What other things are incompatible? Or did new variable names replace
the above?
Kaushal Modi
Dive into the World of Parallel Programming. The Go Parallel Website,
sponsored by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is
hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly thought
leadership blogs to news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a
look and join the conversation now. http://goparallel.sourceforge.net/
tmux-users mailing list
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