[tmux:tickets] #159 tmux list-windows looses layout information if pane is maximized
2014-09-30 09:25:53 UTC

** [tickets:#159] tmux list-windows looses layout information if pane is maximized**

**Status:** open
**Created:** Tue Sep 30, 2014 09:25 AM UTC by Azrael3000
**Last Updated:** Tue Sep 30, 2014 09:25 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Tmux-resurrect apparently has a problem with restoring the layout if a pane was maximized. See the bug report here:


As tmux list-windows is used in that plugin the following output is from a normal two plane window:

7: ***@host:~* (2 panes) [211x61] [layout e740,211x61,0,0[211x30,0,0,16,211x30,0,31,17]] @7 (active)

If one pane is maximized the output is:

7: ***@host:~*Z (2 panes) [211x61] [layout 59e6,211x61,0,0,17] @7 (active)

This shows that while the Z flag is set, the layout is that of the single pane. I understand why it is the case but it looses the information of the normal window layout.

I suppose that it should be possible to keep the normal layout information so that the maximized pane results in the following output:

7: ***@host:~*Z (2 panes) [211x61] [layout e740,211x61,0,0[211x30,0,0,16,211x30,0,31,17]] @7 (active)
Balazs Kezes
2014-10-18 09:37:01 UTC
Post by Azrael3000
Tmux-resurrect apparently has a problem with restoring the layout if a
pane was maximized.
I'm not familiar with tmux-resurrect but how about it unzooms before
saving the layout and then rezooms if the layout was zoomed? At least
until this is not fixed.