[tmux:tickets] #168 "Broken" Pane Title when Spawning New Shell
2014-11-28 17:55:38 UTC

** [tickets:#168] "Broken" Pane Title when Spawning New Shell**

**Status:** open
**Labels:** title pane-title
**Created:** Fri Nov 28, 2014 05:55 PM UTC by xelxebar
**Last Updated:** Fri Nov 28, 2014 05:55 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Brief Description

Under tmux with powerline, when spawning a new shell (via chroot, su,
sh, etc.) the pane title is statically set to the name of the spawing

**Expected Behaviour**: Pane title behaves as if spawned shell was
parent shell (i.e is set to `pwd` or currently executing program).


Just in case it becomes relevant, I'm running on the following system:

$ uname -r
Linux bmw-mac 3.17.3-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Nov 14 23:13:48 CET 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Here's my tmux version:

$ tmux -V
tmux 1.9a

My powerline is at the following commit without any local modifications:

$ cd $HOME/.powerline; git rev-parse HEAD


1. Start tmux, loading <local_powerline_repo>/powerline/bindings/tmux/powerline.conf
1. Once tmux is running with powerline, execute `bash`
1. Notice how the current pane is now titled "bash" not as $PWD.
1. Execute `sleep 5` (or any command) and notice how the title still remains set as "bash".


* A corresponding ticket under powerline was also filed and closed as this is "isn't a powerline issue": https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline/issues/1192#event-200009279
* Yes, technically, the pane title is (correctly) set to the currently running process.
* We probably don't want to change the pane title for *every* spawn of a spawn, only for "shell-like" processes.
* I'm willing to hack on some code with a bit of direction if necessary.


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