Pine Wu
2015-04-19 03:55:34 UTC
** [tickets:#187] Add renumber-session and base-session-index option?**
**Status:** open
**Created:** Sun Apr 19, 2015 03:55 AM UTC by Pine Wu
**Last Updated:** Sun Apr 19, 2015 03:55 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
Can you add a renumber-session option that's similar to renumber-windows, and a base-session-index similar to base-index?
My usual workflow is opening a tmux session to watch build my project, then opening some more sessions for coding. Usually I don't name the sessions so their names are indexes.
Say I've created sessions 0, 1, 2 and closed 1, 2. If I create a new session, it's 3 but I'd like it to be 1 if renumber-session is on.
And I also wish to start session numbering from 1 if base-session-index is set.
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** [tickets:#187] Add renumber-session and base-session-index option?**
**Status:** open
**Created:** Sun Apr 19, 2015 03:55 AM UTC by Pine Wu
**Last Updated:** Sun Apr 19, 2015 03:55 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
Can you add a renumber-session option that's similar to renumber-windows, and a base-session-index similar to base-index?
My usual workflow is opening a tmux session to watch build my project, then opening some more sessions for coding. Usually I don't name the sessions so their names are indexes.
Say I've created sessions 0, 1, 2 and closed 1, 2. If I create a new session, it's 3 but I'd like it to be 1 if renumber-session is on.
And I also wish to start session numbering from 1 if base-session-index is set.
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